Your home is your sanctuary- your safe place in which you can be completely and totally you. So shouldn’t you infuse your surroundings with things that are a true reflection of you and your lifestyle? Maybe you have a favorite look or style that you love, such as white kitchens and a monochromatic color scheme.
HOWEVER, that is NOT the only look out there. Frankly, I have to caution people sometimes that you don’t want to look like everyone else…do you? You can take that look to the next level by just popping it with one major splash of color or something completely different … your signature, on a room. A monochromatic look is lovely but if everyone gets that look, it can be a bit monotonous and sometimes even boring. If you aren’t careful, you will look like everyone else…let’s face it, you AREN’T everyone else! And why would you want to be?
How do you take a look that you love and make it your own? Well, color and accessories are a beginning. To keep the look fresh and not too jumbled, pick one color to pop—orange, turquoise, lime green, and yellow are all the rage right now. This strong color contrast will set you apart from others and will allow your personality to shine through. Pillows, large color vases, and amazing art are just a few other ways to make your room your own. Don’t be afraid, but be careful not to overdo if you still want a more monochromatic space—just a few areas will do the trick.
If you don’t want color, add texture. Texture adds another depth and layer to the space. When doing a monochromatic space, remember to add different values of the color you are working with. Light color to dark add contrast and interest.
One of my favorite ways to add a unique and personalized factor to a room is lighting. I am a sucker for exquisite lighting. That doesn’t mean it has to be expensive but unique. I would rather have no lighting than boring lighting or lighting that everyone has. Save your monies for fabulous! Plus, fabulous lighting can always go with you when you sell your home. It doesn’t have to stay. Just make sure you remove it before you put your home on the market. Otherwise, it can become a bargaining element when selling the house. Everyone loves fabulous lighting.
Hire a professional even if it is just for a couple of hours. It is worth the money. A second set of eyes can put a whole new perspective on your project. It will help you see other options and give you ideas you haven’t even thought of.
Originaly Published 12:00 am CST, Sunday, January 6, 2019 on chron.com